Solar Power | Pros and Cons Pt. 2

Solar power is really cool, that’s for sure, but there’s a reason that we don’t use solar power as much as we should. Why is that? Let’s take a look at the ups and downs of a solar powered society.

Even if we don’t use it often, solar energy is pretty cool. Solar power is a renewable resource, meaning that it won’t run out, since the sun gives off infinite energy (until it blows up, that is). That makes it much better as a long-lasting source of power than coal and oil. Also, solar power doesn’t pollute the air, making it a whole lot better for the planet than fossil fuels. It also doesn’t cause climate change, which is an ever-growing problem in this day and age, and since pollution is bad for human health, solar power is a much better option than fossil fuels when it comes to that too! When fossil fuels are extracted and used, they use up a lot of water. Solar power doesn’t require water to work, making it even MORE environmentally friendly. Solar power is definitely an extremely eco-friendly option, which is perfect during our global warming crisis. But that doesn’t mean it’s an all perfect option.

Solar power has some flaws as well. One of which is the high cost. As of 2021, the cost for solar power in the US is $2.85 per watt, which is really high. This is a very discouraging factor in solar power. Another problem with solar power is that it isn’t exactly the most reliable source. At night the sun doesn’t shine, meaning that you’d need to install a battery to be able to use electricity at night. Snow, clouds, and plants can also block sunlight. There are many more factors that can change the amount of sunlight that our solar panels would get. Lastly, solar panels require a lot of space to function properly, which some people don’t have.

Now solar panels have a lot of ups and downs, but overall they do help the environment a lot. After all, it is energy from the sun! Hopefully in the future we can find ways to overcome the problems with solar power and make it a sustainable energy resource.
Diya V. 5/24/2021

Image from Unsplash

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